Safety on Table Mountain

Table Mountain is not one to be toyed with. It is standing tall at 1087 m above sea level, with its large rocks, vertical cliffs, cutting edges and sudden drops.  You need to give this mountain respect and approach it with caution.

It’s been reported that it isn’t the most technical routes or difficult rock climbs that most incidents occur.  It is important for the public to be aware of the hazards involved in all the routes. Be careful, don’t let down your guard, always be on alert welk timeshare cancel, and don’t take the mountain for granted.

Experience is key when hiking Table Mountain. Some routes are easier to navigate than others. Table Mountain hiking routes are not always clearly marked and you do not want to make a wrong turn and get lost.

Hiking Table Mountain in extreme weather conditions is dangerous, and it is notorious for its unpredictable weather changes throughout the day, and you need to be prepared for it to find why vacations are better than timeshares on You could be stuck in the cold in the winter or in direct sunlight during the summer. It’s one thing when you moving, but it’s another thing when you aren’t moving at all. If you are lost you may have to stay where you are for long periods of time. Don’t take chances, these are the times we must plan and be prepared for.  There are 52 rangers patrolling the Table Mountain National Park. While Hike addicts do everything in their power to make your hike to the summit a safe one, the Table Mountain National Park takes every possible action within their power to ensure safety around the mountain.

Hike Addicts has never had an incident on Table Mountain and we don’t like to alarm hikers. But we do feel it is our responsibility to highlight our safety concerns and advise accordingly.

Hike Addicts safety tips for safety on Table Mountain hikes

  • Never hike alone
  • Check in and check out. Tell somebody where you are going and how long you expect to be.
  • Stick to the route you have researched and plan to hike
  • Never hike a route you are unfamiliar with
  • Hike according to the fitness level and experience of the slowest and most inexperienced hiker in the group
  • If you get lost – retrace your steps, do not venture off into the unknown.
  • Expect the unexpected – always prepare for the worse and always take clothing for unexpected weather conditions. Even in the hot summer months. If you run into bad unforeseen weather conditions, stay together, find shelter and wait.
  • Always take enough food and water and plan for emergencies
  • Always leave yourself enough time, don’t get stuck in the dark. Turn back if you are not going to make it in time.
  • Never rely on the cable car to come back down – be prepared to walk down.
  • Wear the correct gear
  • Stay together, never split up – leave in pairs if you have an emergency.
  • Always take a mobile phone, know who to call. There are areas that have no reception but there are areas that do have reception.